Sunday, May 14, 2006

PM Leaves Ceorana After Extended Stay

New Boston, Ceorana - The Prime Minister, Geraint Llewelyn has departed the Congressional Republic of Ceorana after extending his stay. The Prime Minister remained on hand to help the Republic's leaders celebrate their collective ascendancy to the Delegacy. However, he immediately faced criticism at home from the opposition Christian Democrats for "ignoring domestic concerns."

The PM dismissed the criticism as "lacking vision." He also indicated that he and the President of cornea had a series of good, constructive meetings that are sure to lead to closer economic and diplomatic ties.

More details from their end-of-visit press conference will be released later.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Ceorana Elected Delegate

New Boston, Ceorana - In a move that was welcomed in capitals around the International Democratic Union, the Congressional Republic of Ceorana has been named the Regional Delegate. The announcement was made by officials from the Election Commission. According to the announcement, of the twenty one votes cast nineteen were for Ceorana.

Preparations for a smooth transition are underway, and it is expected that Lloegr-Cymru's Prime Minister will take the opportunity of his on-going visit to congratulate the Government of Ceorana.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Prime Minister Begins Weekend Visit to Ceorana

New Boston, Ceorana - The Prime Minister, Geraint Llewelyn has begun his visit of Ceorana after arriving in New Boston. He is expected to discuss economic and diplomatic ties. It is unknown if any major announcements will be delivered, although a joint press conference is a distinct possibility.


Meanwhile, Aberystwyth has seen several days of protests supportive and antagonistic to the decision by the Government to lend Ceorana its support in the Regional Delegacy Elections. Most of the demonstrations have proven to be peaceful and well organised. However, last night pro-Groot Gouda and pro-Ceorana groups clashed in the streets, damaging vehicles and shops. Three protestors were taken to hospital, and the police made 22 arrests. Leaders from both sides have urged restraint

Leadership Challenges Denied

In a related note, spokesmen for the Chancellor have denied the rumours that he is seeking to challenge the PM for leadership of the Third Way. When the PM sided with Ceorana, rumours immediately surfaced that the Chancellor was so incensed he would seek to topple the Prime Minister. However, political experts believe that now that several days have passed the threat to Llewelyn has also similarly died down. Moreover, the Chancellor is getting a first-hand look at leading the executive; when the Prime Minister is away, the Chancellor leads in his absence. A close personal friend of the Chancellor believes this experience has been sobering for the Chancellor.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

UN Rez Set for Passage

At the UN HQ - The UN Patent Law is set to carry the General Assembly tomorrow by a wide margin. If it carries, it will standardise Patents across UN member nations by creating a Patent Registry.

As of this printing, there are 6,163 votes for, and 3,115. Dr. Owain ab Iorwerth of Abertawe University says that there's no possible means now for opponents to derail the resolution, because most of the very large anti-UN Regions, like gatesville, have already cast their vote.

Once it passes, it will make the second in a row of agreed-to resolutions to be authored by IDU member states, in this case Ceorana. It will be seen in the various IDU capitals as a feather in the Region's cap.

After Delays, PM Announces Pick

After keeping the nation in suspense for two whole days, Prime Minister Llewelyn stood up in the House and announced his decision for the Region's UN Delegate.

On Tuesday, Geraint Llewelyn had declined to answer Opposition calls for him to name the Lloegr-Cymru vote. He told the House then that no decision had been taken and that Cabinet had yet to sift and weigh the choices. This caused the Opposition benches to erupt in calls that the Prime Minister was "indecisive." On Wednesday, Mary Gryffydd stated she could not reveal the name, because no decision had been taken. However, she denied the Cabinet was divided and further denied the Prime Minister was indecisive. She told the House that, "this was a very important decision and the whole Cabinet is considering very carefully. But I categorically deny the Cabinet is divided into camps. We have had nothing more than a frank airing of diverse views."

However, those familiar with the Prime Minister indicated he called his Cabinet colleagues earlier today to indicate he had arrived at a decision. Then shortly after two in the afternoon he told the House he and the Cabinet had picked Ceorana. He declined to explain the decision. But the Leader of the Opposition, Greg Michael Williams reminded the House that the PM was to visit Ceorana tomorrow. But the PM denied the implication of impropriety, and stated that he has every intention of also visiting Groot Gouda.

A confidential source in the Cabinet Office told the Draig and Telegraph that the PM's decision was based on the sovereignty stance of Ceorana, and the fact that the Groot Gouda government had held the position before.

Pro-Groot Gouda organisers have stated they plan protests tomorrow.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Election for Delegate Kicks Off

Cabinet Meets to Decide Lloegr-Cymru's Vote.

From our correspondent in the Free Land of the IDU.

Representatives of the more than 30 UN Member Nations of the International Democratic Union are preparing to cast their countries' votes for Regional Delegate today. Election week followed a spirited candidate phase that saw only one major difference emerge between the two candidate nations: Ceorana and Groot Gouda.

Ceorana, the current Vice-Delegate was the first to put its hat in the ring. Running on the strong record that nation enjoys as VD, Ceorana hoped to win promotion. However, the President of Groot Gouda also put his country's bid forward. The would-be delegates then endured a drawn out period of defending their positions and attempting to draw clear distinctions between them.

In the end, the only significant issue of contention was the issue of the United Nations vis-a-vis sovereignty. Groot Gouda appeared to favour a position where the United Nations would intervene in countries on behalf of the "people." But Ceorana disagreed, appearing to take a position favouring more respect for sovereignty.

Pundits and analysts have not predicted who will win. Groot Gouda lead the Region previously, and will be looking to continue that record. But Ceorana has also demonstrated commitment to the Region. Both sets of national leaders will be biting their collective nails until the finish.

Lloegr-Cymru's Cabinet Meets Early

The Prime Minister called the Cabinet together early to discuss Lloegr-Cymru's vote for Regional Delegate. Although the Cabinet usually meets in full on Wednesdays, it was moved ahead to today so as to enable to Government to set policy before either the Prime Minister or Foreign Secretary face questions before the House.

The Cabinet is said by insiders to be deeply divided over whom the Government should pick. It is understood that the Foreign Secretary advocated for Ceorana's bid primarily due to that country's stand on sovereignty. However, the Defence Secretary and the Chancellor lead the pro-Groot Gouda faction.

The Cabinet, in principle, has seven votes because the Spirituality Minister abstains as a matter of course. The Prime Minister, the Draig and Telegraph has learned, did not cast his tie-breaking vote to break the deadlock posed by the Foreign Secretary, Interior Minister and the Civil Rights Minister on the one hand, and the Defence Secretary, Chancellor and Compliance Minister on the other.

As the Prime Minister has publicly stated he wants a decision before he faces the House at half-past two on Tuesday, he will likely inform both factions before lunch of the same day. This will enable him to stand up in the House and announce the country has made a decision and what that decision is. The Foreign Secretary will then have the task of explaining it in more detail when she faces the House the next day.